Lightning app builder change template
Lightning app builder change template

lightning app builder change template lightning app builder change template lightning app builder change template

The html file has a button which will fire the handleNavigate method onclick of it. NavigateToLWC – An Aura Component contains the targetLwcComponent to make navigation possible.targetLwcComponent – A Lightning web component where we will navigate.navigateFromLwc – A Lightning web component from where we will navigate.Let’s create two lightning web component and one Aura component to test this feature. To enable direct navigation to a Lightning component via URL, add the lightning:isUrlAddressable interface to the component. To navigate from one Lightning Web Component to another Lightning Web Component, You need to add the target Lightning Web Component inside an Aura Component having lightning:isUrlAddressable is added as interface. Are you looking for navigating to Lightning Web Component from another Lightning Web Component in Lightning Experience, Salesforce Mobile App? Using PageReference Object of Lightning Component Type(Works only in Lightning Experience, Salesforce Mobile App)

Lightning app builder change template